Leading with Purpose
A fellow arborist once told me, " Trees are just like you and me, just with nothing to do and nowhere to go". Trees and landscape plants are not only an integral part of our landscapes but a critical part of the ecosystems that support everything that is alive. My name is Ron Serven and I truly love and appreciate all that is green and growing. My love for trees goes all the way back to when I was a young boy. I remember the beautiful fall colored foliage dropping from the Liquidambar trees that lined the street where I lived. Little did I know that my love and passion for trees would lead me to my long term public sector position with the City of San Marino Southern California where I served the community in various capacities for the past 35+ years. Among the positions I held was being the City Arborist/Municipal Specialist for the past 20 year. This amazing career has led me down the path of diving deeper into my passion and love for trees as well as discovering my innate desire to help others to understand the significant benefits of trees as well as the importance of sustainable landscapes.